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MediTec International FairLife

 Mediation in Technology Offering

FairLife to the World!


















MediTec AquaCare FairLife







 WPS PRODUCTS         |         WPM PRODUCTS













- Turn key solutions ready to instantly run in existing environment/structure at installation.

- Extremely reliable, functioning, environmental and secure systems at low maintenance.
- Clean water to camps, households plus for agricultural/industrial use in rural and cities.

- Reliable, long-lasting, low-maintenance, back-washed filters taking handling impurities.
- Water systems extended from a production capacity of 100-10.000.000 liters per day.
- Water systems that lift water from 1-250 m head with perfect water purification capacity.
- Top of the world machinery components, solar panels, batteries, mounting and service.
- Constant
upgrading of our services solutions improving the functionality of the products.
- 12 months warranty of our water production systems including all product components.




AquaCare Mission

All equipment made by the demand of perfection where MediTec provide tailor made solutions, education and local representation offering service and maintenance. All MediTec solutions are constantly improved towards perfection of functionality and excellence.


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MediTec offer the best solution to any given need as we guarantee the meaning of TEC:

Time consciousness | Excellence in performance | Communication for winning solutions


   MediTec International FairLife Group