Your Natural
Iron Partner!




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Heme-Iron USP

Heme iron is safe and far better tolerated plus highly effective compared to older  iron forms. 


HemeIron is highly bioabsorbed with side-effects that are no more frequent than  placebo.


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OptiFer®Vital  Optimal Vitality for Golden Age

OptiFer®Vital is a combination of heme- and non-heme iron, minerals and vitamins for elderly people. The raw material for OptiFer®Vital is natural heme iron taken up several times more efficiently than synthetic iron, around 25% to 2-3%. Bio-availability is on par with prescription preparations and is enhanced by Vitamin A, B-Complex including B6, B12, Folic Acid, C, D, E, and K as well as the Minerals Calcium, Magnesium, Boron, Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Rosehip and Ginkgo Biloba. Heme iron is not influenced by ingested food, drink or medication. No oxidative stress appears over longer use. Shelf-Life 2 years. Package 60 tablets.

·    Efficiency par with prescription preparations


·    Well tolerated non-prescription supplement


·    Easy dose regimen, 1 tablet per day - at any time


·    Absorption steady with other medicine, food or drink

































Copyright ® FerroCare  Part of MediTec Group

Excellence in Iron Tolerance and Efficiency!
OptiFer®Easy      OptiFer®C     OptiFer®Eco      OptiFer®Kiddo       OptiFer®Vital